Teaching and coaching actors, from beginners to professionals, for over 15 years.

Hello All!
Our Latest Update: 07/01/2024. As many of you know, we have now established our acting classes in San Diego where we now live! It was such a great experience over 20 years teaching the craft of acting to all of you amazing people in Boston!
If you care to take a look at our new site, or if you have moved to the San Diego area, or know somebody there you think might be interested in a fun, creative way to be introduced to the craft, you can visit us at San Diego Acting Classes. Just click the logo!
And as we always said at the end of our classes with you, please reach out to us at info@sandiegoactingclasses with updates on creative endeavours! We still here from students and it is always so nice to hear how you are doing!
Intermediate Acting

COVID-19 Update
For the time being we have cancelled all in-person coaching and classes.
We hope to resume them at some point in the future, but, for now, we want to keep everybody as safe as possible, and multiple people in an enclosed space for an extended period of time, even with social distancing and masks will not truly be a safe proposition until the numbers of infections come way way down.
Hopefully, that will be sooner rather than later!
Prerequisite: Intro to Acting with us, equivalent introductory training with another school or teacher, or previous experience.
In this six week class we will begin by focusing on character development by exploring the different elements of character: character history, movement, voice, and need.
In this process, we will engage in more advanced improvisational exercises, active listening, authentic connection, and sensory work. Students will also work more extensively on scenes. Additionally, we will touch on the audition process and the Boston theatre, film, and commercial scene.
*Students will be expected to work on scenes with a scene partner outside of class.
Cost: The fee for this 6 week class is $250.00
For: Ages 18 and Up.
Register today!
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have cancelled all in person classes.
But we do have VIRTUAL classes!
Click HERE for more info!
Pay in full now, or pay a $40 non- refundable deposit to reserve your space in the class.
There is a prerequisite for this class. Students who have not taken classes with us before, please email us to let us know your prior acting training before registering.
You must pay the balance 48 hours before the first class.
Pay online below. Or to register or pay by check or money order, email us at:
More on our payment policies here.
Below are the dates for the next offerings of this class:

Loved this class! Art and Amanda spend a lot of time working with you on your technique, honing your monologue, auditioning, scene work, etc. It's so helpful getting feedback from their different perspectives. The list goes on and on, but it's all good, and quite enlightening.

Intermediate Acting - Cancelled
July 14th- August 18th
6 Weeks
Due to the ongoing pandemic and the state and local policies and guidelines regarding safety, we have cancelled this session of Intermediate Acting. We will announce more in-person classes when it appears practical and safe to do so. We hope to see you soon!